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Videoreview: PCP airgun FX IMPACT M3

Jan Kaleta

Find out how the most popular PCP rifle from the Swedish manufacturer FX Airguns performed at 50 and 100 meters with pellets and slugs. On top of the review, we'll show you how to adjust the power settings.

The video includes English captions.

You can also see how the M3 compares to the older generation MKII model:

The air rifle's adjustability is a major plus for more advanced shooters. You can adjust the regulator pressure, the hammer spring tension and even the valve probe opening.



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Autor článku: Jan Kaleta

Honza Kaleta - Managing Director, wholesale, occasional blog author

After finishing my career as a competitive shooter in 2011 (shooting a moving target at 10 m and smallbore shooting at 50 m), Mark and I founded And I am still working on the project today. At the same time, I am glad that Balistas has been successful, where I am a co-owner and wholesale manager. I handle orders, suppliers, technical questions and repairs. Outside of work I spend time with my family, I like to play sports or read about transport aviation, which has my admiration.

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