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Effective defence tools that do no harm



Electric stun guns are popular with police and civilians alike. Unlike a gun or a knife, their advantage is that you cannot cause a serious injury to the aggressor. UZI stun guns are made under American supervision and are considered a benchmark for quality products and parts. This also means reliability and durability.

UZI offers unique products such as the baton stun gun, which is very effective thanks to the electronic discharge on the sides, or the stun gun designed for women, which looks like a cigarette box. The fairer sex will be pleased to know that it can also be bought in pink.

If you ever had any concerns about this defence device: you can't get a reverse shock; despite the high voltage, the current is low, so you won't hurt anyone; the stun gun works through clothes, even leather ones. 100 % guaranteed.

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Michal M


Call us +420 773 379 767, MON–FRI, 8AM–4PM

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UZI black


UZI handcuffs and connecting chain are made of high quality steel and have high strength. Also included are 2 wrenches.

Temporarily Unavailable

€ 36.0


UZI leg shackles

Specially adapted leg restraints. They were designed so that they could not be released in any way by the detainee. Very mechanically resistant.

Temporarily Unavailable

€ 38.4


+420 773 379 767 MON–FRI, 8AM–4PM Ask a question

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