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Norconia QB 78 Deluxe 4,5mm


Norconia CO2 QB 78 Deluxe is a single-shot air rifle designed for recreational and target shooting. This model is powered by two 12g CO2 cartridges. It is outfitted with TruGlo iron sights. The rear sight is adjustable for windage and elevation.

Temporarily Unavailable

€ 163.6


Norconia QB 78 Deluxe 5,5mm

Norconia CO2 QB 78 Deluxe is a single-shot air rifle in caliber .22 (5,5 mm). This model is powered by two 12g CO2 cartridges. It is outfitted with TruGlo iron sights.

Temporarily Unavailable

€ 163.6


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