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Crosman Pumpmaster 760 4,5mm Pink


Crosman Pumpmaster is one of the most popular air rifles in the world. Over 12 million of these rifles have been sold worldwide. It is powered by a compressed air and you need to pump it with the foregrip. You can pump it up to 10 times.

1 pcs in stock, estimated delivery: February 17 - 19.

€ 75.6

Crosman Pumpmaster 760 4,5mm


This weapon is intended for steel BBs. You will especially appreciate the huge magazine capacity (up to 1000). The advantage is a 11 mm mounting rail allowing attached riflescope.

Temporarily Unavailable

€ 75.6


Crosman Pumpmaster 760 4,5mm with 4x15 Scope

This set consists of Crosman Pumpmaster 760 air rifle and 4×15 scope. It is powered by a compressed air and you need to pump it with the foregrip. You can pump it up to 10 times, which should give you a energy of 10 J. This system eliminates recoil.

Temporarily Unavailable

€ 83.6


Crosman Pumpmaster 760 4,5mm SET


This weapon is intended for steel BBs. You will especially appreciate the huge magazine capacity (up to 1000). The advantage is a 11 mm mounting rail allowing attached riflescope.

Temporarily Unavailable

€ 83.6



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